The Legend of Stallion

It's funny how one small decision, action, or idea, can change the course of your life forever. How seemingly meaningless things can become the catalyst of the major events and obstacles that dictate and challenge who you become in this world. That idea for us was Stallion. This brand and message was something we decided we owed to others. This whole lifestyle came about in 2017 as a joke, a funny simple phrase we would say to one another.

“Hey, stop acting like a Pony, you’re a Stallion.” 

The thing about a Stallion compared to other horses, is that it’s unbroken; or still wild.
The undomesticated spirit of the Stallion became something that our friends wanted to represent. To become a better person, friend, lover, warrior, and leader. To find your edge every day. To take massive action and ownership of every aspect within your life.
The “Pony” represents mediocrity and comfort; the lack of character, confidence, and direction within an individual.
The last part was “Nines + Tens”
Thank God, Allah, Evolution, whatever you want to call it,

Ryan Watson

He held us to the highest standard of all, which is Nines and Tens only. We were tired of going out and dating people that only cared about Instagram, eating food, and looking pretty.
We realized we were taking care of our health and minds, and pursuing our dreams and wanted someone that resembled this too. 
If you want the man or woman of your dreams, you must become the man or woman of theirs.
We decided to apply this standard to every aspect of our lives; our work, our health, and our friendships. 
We made shirts for fun, and one shirt led to another, and then to birth of the brand.
Stallion Supply Co.